
世界最速のランナー ウザイン・ボルトの年収は?



ウザイン・ボルト(Usain Bolt、1986年8月21日生)。ジャマイカ出身の世界最速の短距離ランナーです。2013年8月にモスクワで開催された世界陸上でも100m、200m、400mリレーと3つの金メダルに輝いています。(8月19日現在)

何度も世界新記録を塗り替えていますが、現時点ではボルトの更新した世界記録は100m走 9秒58(2009年、ベルリン世界陸上)、200m走 19秒19(2009、ベルリン世界陸上)です。

元々 200m を主体に競技参加していたため、北京オリンピックでの100m 9秒69、200m 19秒30という2つの世界新記録での金メダルは衝撃的な世界デビューとなり、一気に陸上競技のスター選手に駆け上がりました。



さらには各種スポーツ用具メーカーや消費材メーカー(プーマ、サムスン、コムキャスト、英ヴァージン・メディア、スイスの時計ブランド ウブロ、など)との契約があります。例えばプーマがボルトに支払っている額は、年間900万ドル(約9億円、1ドル=100円換算)にのぼります。他のスポンサーとの契約額もそれぞれ数億円にのぼるとされています。


こうした収入から、ジャマイカに豪邸を建て、バハマには別荘を購入し、移動にはプライベート・ジェットをチャーターしています(まだ購入はしていないようです)。車はフェラーリF430スパイダー、BMW M3、日産GT-R などを保有し、大のサッカー好きでレアル・マドリード、マンチェスター・ユナイテッドのファンであることもよく知られています。


・Repeating is harder than anything else.

・There are better starters than me but I'm a strong finisher.

・You have good days and bad days.

・Every season, for me, it's like starting from scratch again.

・I don't like losing anyways.

・I don't put myself under pressure.

・I know what to do and I go and execute.

・I think my acceleration is very good. That's the key for me.

・For me, I'm focused on what I want to do. I know what I need to do to be a champion.

・I work hard, and I do good, and I'm going to enjoy myself. I'm not going to let you restrict me.

・I know what I can do so it doesn't bother me what other people think or their opinion on the situation.

・I'd like to say to all my fans out there, thanks for the support. And to all my doubters, thank you very much because you guys have also pushed me.

・I've learned over the years that if you start thinking about the race, it stresses you out a little bit. I just try to relax and think about video games, what I'm gonna do after the race, what I'm gonna do just to chill. Stuff like that to relax a little before the race.

・I don't think limits.

・But anybody who steps into the lane beside you is the biggest competition because they made it to the finals.

・I can't, I won't compare myself with Michael Phelps, I'm on the track; he's in the water. We can't compare too much. He's the best in what he do.

・ I told you all I was going to be No. 1, and I did just that.

・"There is no athlete that can compete with him...He's a global superstar."
--Michael Johnson, on Usain Bolt

・"I can still improve a lot, but there's definitely a limit to what the human body can do."
posted by カイト at 17:42| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | スポーツ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


アジア No.1の大富豪 リー・カシンLi Ka Shing

(写真は 「フォーブス」より転載)

李嘉誠(リー・カシン)。香港の長江産業グループの創始者にして現役の会長であり、アジア No.1、世界第 8 位 の大富豪です。



一方で、スタートアップやアーリーステージの米国 IT 企業(フェイスブック、スカイプ、シリ、スポーティファイなど)にベンチャー投資を行っていますが、その投資判断の早さでも有名です。

リー・カシンの学歴は高校中退です。家計を助けるため、 14歳でプラスティック製造会社で働き始めます。独立心旺盛な彼は、17才にして企業を決意、貯金と友人・親族からお金を集め、1950年にプラスティック工場を始め、おもちゃや雑貨類を製造しています。






"Something that seems to be a loss can often turn out to be a gain."


"The secret of management is simply identifying and making use of talent."


"I wasn’t lucky. I worked hard to achieve the goals I set for myself."


"First of all, I am an optimist. When you study hard and work hard, your knowledge grows, and it gives you confidence. The more you know, the more confidence you gain."


"Your life is meaningful if you can honestly say that you have done your best to do some good."


"It takes a cool head to do business, as does playing golf. Even if you’ve teed off badly, as long as you keep your composure, stick to your plan, you may not lose the hole."


"Be prepared for rainy days. No matter how well you’re doing, you’ve got to be prepared."


"In the past years, when the stock market, the property market and the general economy were in the doldrums, we increased our investments. One of the reasons was that we are always prepared. We don’t get carried away when times are good and don’t get too pessimistic when times are bad."


"You give more in order to get more."


"If you are good to people, they will be good to you."


"Knowledge changes fate."


"Money may be spent but never squandered."


"Vision is perhaps our greatest strength… it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries, it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown."


"Information and communications technology unlocks the value of time, allowing and enabling multi-tasking, multi-channels, multi-this and multi-that."


"I should make more money and use it when opportunity arises. Only making money like this has any meaning."


"People were working eight hours a day, but I worked sixteen hours… It was really full, non-stop work."


"Why did the Yangtze become a long river? It’s because it can accept smaller rivers and become big."


"I have always enjoyed a simple lifestyle. I have very modest needs in terms of material comfort."


"Spiritual peace and comfort… are very important to me. I only have a desire to do more meaningful deeds."


"I bought secondhand books whenever I had spare money and absorbed them before trading them in for more books. Even today I read before going to bed every night."


"The most important thing is to build the best reputation."


"Anytime I say ‘yes’ to someone, it is a contract."


"After seventeen, I knew I’d have a good chance of starting my own business, because I knew I’d been right in my beliefs."


"Regardless of when I go to bed, I get up at the same time every morning. At 5:59am I get up when the alarm clock rings because I want to listen to the news on the radio. This is how a day begins."


"I took jobs, not matter how lowly they were. At any rate what could a 14-15 year old boy do? But I did my best at work and at increasing my knowledge."


"It’s very important to devote yourself to work."


"You need to be interested in your business. If you are interested in your business, you are bound to do well."


"Had I wanted to live in luxury, I could definitely have done so in 1960."


"I think education is the most important thing to a nation. Without good education, whatever equipment or plans you have mean nothing."


"Businesspeople in general shouldn’t have an overly narrow view of their industry, [rather they] need a 360-degree perspective and to look at everything from all possible angles."


"Set your goals high; make friends with different kinds of people; enjoy simple pleasures. Stand on high ground; sit on level ground; walk on expansive ground."


"In the competitive world today, you give more in order to get more. It’s like the Olympics. Look at the runners that come home first. The winner has won but he is just a bit faster than the first and second runners-up. If it’s a sprint it may be less than a second, just a tiny bit. You run a bit faster and win."


"Children of wealthy families grow up in a greenhouse. No matter it is a big tree or any plant, their roots are not strong. If I spoil them, they’ll have a hard life ahead. When they get a knock or run into hard times, they’ll be helpless."

posted by カイト at 11:58| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | 創業者 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


H&M会長 ステファン・パーソンは世界第12位の大富豪



ステファン・パーソン Stefan Persson(1947年10月4日生まれ)。世界最大のファストファッション・ブランド H&M の会長です。







"In our industry, being first in a market is not everything. Customer loyalty is. And loyalty is not won by being first. It is won by being best."


"We believe that no one should have to choose between price and quality, between price and fashion, between price and service."


"You have to sow before you can reap."


"H&M never stops developing."


"[In 1997] A store is more than a place to buy something. Today’s customers seek inspiration and experiences."


"[On comparing H&M and Ikea in 2001] Ikea is very Swedish and promotes itself as a Swedish company. We do not."


"Cost awareness is... crucial if we are to survive..."


"What is the secret of our success? Primarily, it is the combination of fashion, price and quality that provide unsurpassed value to the customer."


"Sure, we are aware of the [fashion] collections, but we look everywhere - to outrageous street fashions, to what people are wearing in normal situations, to clothing from other cultures, to what is worn in films and at parties and in pubs and restaurants. We are not creating fashion. With our volumes, it would be too risky to do that. But we are an independent force as a design unit. We take inspiration from life as we see it. And we differ from ivory tower designers because we are very people- and customer-oriented."

「ええ、もちろん(各ブランドやデザイナーの)コレクションは意識している、だがそれだけでなくあらゆる所を見ている - 過激なストリート・ファッション、人々の普段着、異なる文化圏の服装、映画やパーティでの衣装やパブやレストランでの服装とか。ファッションを創造することはしません。我が社の規模からみて、とてもリスキーだからです。とはいえ我が社で独自にデザインを行っています。我々がインスピレーションを得るのは見たままの生活からです。象牙の塔のデザイナーとは違い、人々そして顧客を志向しているからです。」

"Our goal is to provide better service and better quality without raising prices."


"We do not manufacture ourselves nor do we own any factories, but the fact that we are a major buyer gives us considerable influence."


"H&M’s success is based on a high degree of decentralised decision-making and very strong central management."


"We have a flat organisation with very few levels between customers and management."


"Focusing on costs is another important aspect of our corporate culture... Every krona that we spend affects our prices and our business concept."


"[On the culture of H&M] It is the informality. Anyone can speak with anyone, there are no formal meetings. Common sense. The commercial sense. Instinctively what is right. Flexibility and speed. Cost awareness is also crucial if we are to survive with our idea of the best price-performance ratio. Each crown (dollar) that is spent unnecessarily, has ultimately affect the price and can threaten our entire concept."

posted by カイト at 13:27| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | ファッション | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




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