レンツォ・ロッソ Renzo Rosso(1955年9月15日生まれ)。イタリアのアパレル・ブランド「ディーゼル」(Diesel)の共同創業者です。
◇ “I expect them to work like I work, with an incredible passion and love, then everything comes easy and nice.”
◇ "I think designers are opening up their capital earlier now because they understand that it allows them to grow faster."
◇ "It's a cultural sea change when you can come up with an idea, actualize the idea, monetize the idea and become a billionaire by your 40th birthday. That just didn't happen in the pre-Microsoft era."
◇ “Well I grew up in the rock and roll era, listening to artists like Black Sabbath and The Sex Pistols. A lot of this rock and roll attitude has definitely played a big part in what Diesel has become. ・・・・
◇ “(Be honest, did you ever imagine Diesel getting this big?) I think most people dream of being big of course, but they never really believe it until they hit that turning point. Once I knew I had established my brand, I could really focus on making it as big as I could. That is an amazing feeling, a feeling that I will never forget. While it felt like forever when it was happening, looking back it feels like it happened overnight.”
◇ “(“What do you attribute to this success?”) One thing that we have always tried to be with Diesel is pioneers. We are always introducing new, modern, different, fresh, and rebellious products that take both denim and the people wearing it to a whole new place. I think the two biggest keys to our success were our vintage denim and the way we changed the way we communicated with our customers. Our vintage denim was something that no one else was doing at the time. We were the only ones able to produce a denim that had a look and feel of a great vintage pair of denim. This really helped to launch both Diesel and the industry into a new way of production. As I mentioned, our communication methods changed too. Most people were going direct saying ‘Here’s the product, buy it’. We decided to get away from that, and find a whole new way to communicate with our people. We decided to communicate through other people, the people our customers were listening to. We started working with celebrities, musicians, athletes to communicate in a more subtle way.”
"I recently met with the Dalai Lama and he told me ‘Use your brand and your face to show the work you have done. You have the power to inspire others, and you should take pride in what you have done.’ I have learned from that and plan to use my face and my power to send a positive message. In fact, we are currently working on building a village in Africa.”
"(What ‘lifestyle’ does the Diesel brand promote?) In two words ‘successful living’ (this is Diesel’s tagline). We appeal to an intelligent consumer who shows their character not just through their clothes but more and more through their home too. We don’t tell people they have to only wear Diesel clothes or live with Diesel homeware, it’s about giving them a choice of original designs that aren’t just luxury but are very good quality that they can pick and choose from."
"(Do you really feel the same people who buy Diesel jeans will buy a Diesel sofa too?) People approach lifestyle in a very different way now. Consumers fall in love with a brand and it’s important for a brand to develop and stretch itself to provide for their consumers. I don’t suspect that a customer will walk into a store to buy a pair of jeans and end up buying a sofa, but like I said before it’s about providing our loyal consumers with a choice to create a lifestyle."